Rotary Club of Morehead City, N.C. was chartered May 19, 1925.
The Rotary club of Morehead City was sponsored by the Rotary Club of New Bern, N.C. This is the first Rotary Club to be chartered in Morehead City and is often referred to as the Evening Rotary Club since Morehead City is now home to four RotaryClubs. Rotary Club of Morehead City members enjoy the fellowship of one another, the program speakers, and the opportunity to serve in keeping with Rotary's motto "Service Above Self." Strong fellowship among Rotarians and meaningful community and international Service Projects characterize Rotary worldwide. The Rotary Club of Morehead City is one of the many clubs within the Rotary International organization. Rotary International is a service organization whose stated purpose is to bring together business and professional leaders to provide humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and advance goodwill and peace around the world. It is a non-political and non-sectarian organization open to all people regardless of race, color, creed, religion, gender, or political preference. There are approximately 46,000 clubs worldwide with 1.4 million Rotarians. These Rotarians represent various professions, businesses, and professional activities in their communities.